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24. Unix Accounts

The following section deals with Accounts on Unix systems.

24.1 What are common accounts and passwords for Unix?

All Unix systems have an account called root. This account is also commonly known as the SuperUser. Actually any account with a UID and GID of zero could be considered a SuperUser account. It is possible that a system administrator will rename the root account for obfuscation, but this is rather impractical as many applications not only require the UID zero but actually require the name of the account be "root" to run certain functions. As administrators do not wish to create more problem or have to patch more code than neccessary, this is a rare occurence.

Oh, and unless you've being living under a rock, you should already know that root is god on Unix.

Here are a few other accounts and passwords (if known) commonly found on Unix systems:

        System   Account   Password Purpose
        -------- --------- -------- -----------------------------------------
        Some     guest     (none)   Guest access
        Some     demo      (none)   Demo access
        Some     games     (none)   Play games
        Some     nuucp     (none)   UUCP access
        Some     daemon    (none)   Typically invalid for direct access
        Some     bin       (none)   Typically invalid for direct access
        Some     man       (none)   Typically invalid for direct access
        Some     lpd       (none)   Typically invalid for direct access
        Some     sys       (none)   Typically invalid for direct access
        Some     nobody    (none)   Typically invalid for direct access
        Some     ftp       (none)   Anon FTP access, use email address as password
        AIX      guest     guest    Guest access
        NeXT     root      NeXT     god (default password on shipped systems)
        NeXT     signa     signa    Guest account
        NeXT     me        (none)   Not seen on all systems
        SGI/Irix 4DGifts   (none)
        SGI/Irix lp        (none)
        SGI/Irix tour      (none)
        SGI/Irix tutor     (none)
        SGI/Irix demos     (none)

24.2 How can I figure out valid account names for Unix?

Remotely you have a few things you can try. Here are a few suggestions:


By typing in finger @targethost you get get users that are currently logged in. This will give you a few account. Also by typing finger account@targethost you can determine if that account is valid, and possibly the last time it has been accessed. Unfortunately most Unix systems refuse finger requests from remote hosts, so this usually doesn't do you a lot of good. But if finger is allowed, it can return a lot of information. Try running finger with a -l for more verbose listings. If you gain local access, use finger account to get info on other accounts on the system. For example, if finger root returns info about an administrator named Fred, then finger fred, which may reveil Fred's regular account.


You can run rusers targethost which may return remote user info if the service is allowed.


Doing a whois domain will return info about who is responsible for a domain, and usually included a valid account name. You can use this to possibly determine other account names, and odds are very good that the administrative contact and/or the technical contact have the system privileges you desire.


Often by telnetting to the mail server and trying to verify or expand names you can learn account names. By typing telnet targethost 25 and typing in EXPN account or VRFY account will tell you if that account is valid. You may have to type in HELO or some other commands before you can do an EXPN or VRFY.

A lot of administrators are aware of the above techniques, and will often treat these probes as attacks themselves. Many sites refuse finger and ruser accesses, and a lot of sites have configured their mailer to either not respond to VRFY and EXPN or simply return nothing of value. Odds are good that sites that refuse these types of probes are usually logging these types of probes, so you may wish to probe from one location and attack from another.

If you can gain access locally, such as through a guest account, there are a number of things you can do to view possible account names. Try using some of the finger techniques from above minus the targethost, try typing w or who or even more /etc/passwd to get account names.

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