The ICE Encryption Library


#include <ice.h>

ICE_KEY *ice_key_create (int level);

void ice_key_destroy (ICE_KEY *ik);

void ice_key_set (ICE_KEY *ik, const unsigned char *key);

unsigned char *ice_key_encrypt (const ICE_KEY *ik, const unsigned char *plaintext, unsigned char *ciphertext);

unsigned char *ice_key_decrypt (const ICE_KEY *ik, const unsigned char *ciphertext, unsigned char *plaintext);

int ice_key_key_size (const ICE_KEY *ik);

int ice_key_block_size (const ICE_KEY *ik);


The ICE library libice.a contains functions for encrypting and decrypting 64-bit blocks of data with the ICE (Information Concealment Engine) encryption algorithm.

The function ice_key_create() creates a new ICE_KEY that can be used to encrypt and decrypt data. The level of encryption determines the size of the key, and hence its speed. Level 0 uses the Thin-ICE variant, which is an 8-round cipher taking an 8-byte key. This is the fastest option, and is generally considered to be at least as secure as DES, although it is not yet certain whether it is as secure as its key size.

For levels n greater than zero, a 16n-round cipher is used, taking 8n-byte keys. Although not as fast as level 0, these are very very secure.

Before an ICE_KEY can be used to encrypt data, its key schedule must be set with the ice_key_set() function. The length of the key required is determined by the level, as described above.

The functions ice_key_encrypt() and ice_key_decrypt() encrypt and decrypt respectively data in blocks of eight characters, using the specified key. They return a pointer to the resulting ciphertext/plaintext.

Two functions ice_key_key_size() and ice_key_block_size() are provided which return the key and block size respectively, measured in bytes. The key size is determined by the level, while the block size is always 8.

To destroy a key when it is no longer needed, the function ice_key_destroy() should be used. As well as freeing up memory, it zeroes it out, thus preventing snooping.

Document written by Matthew Kwan, 25 March 1997
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