--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CrafterCMS <= 4.0.2 Multiple Reflected Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Software Link: https://craftercms.org [-] Affected Versions: Version 4.0.2 and prior versions. Version 3.1.27 and prior versions. [-] Vulnerabilities Description: There are multiple Reflected Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities affecting CrafterCMS. The vulnerabilities exist in every API endpoint that reflect some input parameter and do produce XML responses. Following are some examples: • /api/1/site/url/transform - url and transformerName parameters are affected • /api/1/site/content_store/children - url parameter is affected • /api/1/site/content_store/item - url parameter is affected [-] Solution: Upgrade to version 4.0.3, 3.1.28, or later. [-] Disclosure Timeline: [22/11/2022] - Vendor notified [24/03/2023] - Fixed versions released [03/08/2023] - CVE number assigned [23/08/2023] - Publication of this advisory [-] CVE Reference: The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CVE-2023-4136 to these vulnerabilities. [-] Credits: Vulnerabilities discovered by Egidio Romano, working with IMQ Minded Security. [-] Original Advisory: https://karmainsecurity.com/KIS-2023-09 [-] Other References: https://docs.craftercms.org/en/4.1/security/advisory.html#cv-2023080301