-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 This email refers to the advisory found at https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/d5e8OQ . CVE ID: * CVE-2019-3398. Product: Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center. Affected Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center versions: 6.6.0 <= version < 6.6.13 6.7.0 <= version < 6.12.4 6.13.0 <= version < 6.13.4 6.14.0 <= version < 6.14.3 6.15.0 <= version < 6.15.2 Fixed Confluence Server and Data Center versions: * for 6.6.x, Confluence Server 6.6.13 has been released with a fix for this issue. * Confluence Server 6.12.4 has been released with a fix for this issue. * for 6.13.x, Confluence Server 6.13.4 has been released with a fix for this issue. * for 6.14.x, Confluence Server 6.14.3 has been released with a fix for this issue. * for 6.15.x, Confluence Server 6.15.2 has been released with a fix for this issue. Summary: This advisory discloses a critical severity security vulnerability. Versions of Confluence starting with version 2.0.0 before 6.6.13 (the fixed version for 6.6.x), from 6.7.0 before 6.12.4 (the fixed version for 6.12.x), from 6.13.0 before 6.13.4 (the fixed version for 6.13.x), from 6.14.0 before 6.14.3 (the fixed version for 6.14.x), and from 6.15.0 before 6.15.2 are affected by this vulnerability. Customers who have upgraded Confluence to version 6.6.13 or 6.12.4 or 6.13.4 or 6.14.3 or 6.15.2 are not affected. Customers who have downloaded and installed Confluence >= 6.6.0 but less than 6.6.13 (the fixed version for 6.6.x) or who have downloaded and installed Confluence >= 6.7.0 but less than 6.12.4 or who have downloaded and installed Confluence >= 6.13.0 but less than 6.13.4 (the fixed version for 6.13.x) or who have downloaded and installed Confluence >= 6.14.0 but less than 6.14.3 (the fixed version for 6.14.x) or who have downloaded and installed Confluence >= 6.15.0 but less than 6.15.2 (the fixed version for 6.15.x) please upgrade your Confluence installations immediately to fix this vulnerability. Path traversal in the downloadallattachments resource - CVE-2019-3398 Severity: Atlassian rates the severity level of this vulnerability as critical, according to the scale published in our Atlassian severity levels. The scale allows us to rank the severity as critical, high, moderate or low. This is our assessment and you should evaluate its applicability to your own IT environment. Description: Confluence Server and Data Center had a path traversal vulnerability in the downloadallattachments resource. A remote attacker who has permission to add attachments to pages and / or blogs, or to create a new space or personal space, or who has 'Admin' permissions for a space, can exploit this path traversal vulnerability to write files to arbitrary locations which can lead to remote code execution on systems that run a vulnerable version of Confluence Server or Data Center. Versions of Confluence starting with version 2.0.0 before 6.6.13 (the fixed version for 6.6.x), from 6.7.0 before 6.12.4 (the fixed version for 6.12.x), from 6.13.0 before 6.13.4 (the fixed version for 6.13.x), from 6.14.0 before 6.14.3 (the fixed version for 6.14.x), and from 6.15.0 before 6.15.2 are affected by this vulnerability. This issue can be tracked at: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFSERVER-58102 . Fix: To address this issue, we've released the following versions containing a fix: * Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center version 6.6.13 * Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center version 6.12.4 * Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center version 6.13.4 * Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center version 6.14.3 * Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center version 6.15.2 Remediation: Upgrade Confluence to version 6.15.2 or higher. The vulnerabilities and fix versions are described above. If affected, you should upgrade to the latest version immediately. If you are running Confluence Server 6.6.x and cannot upgrade to 6.15.2, upgrade to version 6.6.13. If you are running Confluence Server 6.13.x and cannot upgrade to 6.15.2, upgrade to version 6.13.4. If you are running Confluence Server 6.14.x and cannot upgrade to 6.15.2, upgrade to version 6.14.3. For a full description of the latest version of Confluence Server, see the release notes found at https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Confluence+Release+Notes. You can download the latest version of Confluence Server from the download centre found at https://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/download. Support: If you have questions or concerns regarding this advisory, please raise a support request at https://support.atlassian.com/. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJLBAEBCgA1FiEEXh3qw5vbMx/VSutRJCCXorxSdqAFAly+dZ8XHHNlY3VyaXR5 QGF0bGFzc2lhbi5jb20ACgkQJCCXorxSdqA0SQ//WMRRM5cK9rtS9waf+By0pyNb RKpwqcOVmM9Xuh1gv7D1lJtOC28NcXzGsXNiRQEoAhzkFbNDMDGQ6xcTIzGTr6HR OwgjZUkvejC4GK3TpH8WqHlT3tMt7eVeLahyXq6Op1F1gmwn5HN9zUN8w6bJSQ5w bCjRofGEFqzEuu6TWiK2Aj8qZqFFEM2Tx2YpqwUXraRbCG0xf72UvBafzairWzmR fPZbDKXxlwyq8JsOgMFs5InI7oalyJJnrD0XK31V9bKr7rekm7UMrFqZ3pr+IAyc BDgVvf7rQcJWhBD1oarCVrj091AKHGAMSDcSg+NrORjGalaRaKzJk5LVXN2GyXJk tqq/TSGOI4m5WNXwliHYhV/wtKoAG/gSTsHIZ53YHLbPrBZNy+YWnSGX9SDBxWxD Qc6gPRECnAUXglmnMr3KObjc2e44enG1JResnw2ZPS9O90JmJRakXul1R9zXSvpt icwuYPK+8NEIPuClwDnmn9PR1Z6ScFPiHR6/DX/c9ygYOhqLM+5kEij3mn8gMfMs gINNbWvdt+xfcqDiekY2LkBCYrxBBkMmEXaOGEXcV12FHXDaauGyt44x1OHoHy5K fycp7upySVN64ASA4b1ewkLlyWVBhpdl72IEHTiplXY1YqLB5ozNEZ0HripvB7eq +snDij398MC4ife7a1w= =Kqi1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----