# Title: HTML Injection in dolibarr
# Author: Sergio Galán - @NaxoneZ
# Date: May 20,2015
# Vendor Homepage: *http://www.dolibarr.es/ *
# Vulnerable version: 3.5 / 3.6
# CVE: CVE-2015-3935
Dolibarr no properly escape untrusted data to prevent injection
[*] Page affected
- dolibarr-3.7.0/htdocs/societe/societe.php
- dolibarr-3.7.0/htdocs/societe/admin/societe.php
[*] Fields affected
- Bussiness Search (search_nom) (many others can be affected)
[*] Poc
You only need to inject the script code in this field like a:
"> < img src='http://www.xxx.com >
More Info