Title: ==== HotExBilling Manager – Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability Credit: ====== Name: Bhadresh Patel Company/affiliation: HelpAG Website: www.helpag.com CVE: ===== CVE-2015-2781 Date: ==== 12-03-2015 (dd/mm/yyyy) Vendor: ====== Hotspot Express has been in the billing solution business since 1997 in its earlier name EasyBrowsing. Initially, it designed billing solution to address Internet Café. Till today we have more 10000 installations across the globe. Hotspot Express is one of the pioneers of complete WiFi solutions and has been serving for the past 10 years. Be it WiFi hardware from any leading manufacturer or software solutions to secure and manage wired or wireless networks, Hotspot Express has a solution. Whether you are from a big Corporate, SME, Hotel, Resort, Cyber Café, we have a cost effective solution for you. Not just for business alone, we have solution for Universities and colleges too. Product: ======= HotExBilling Manager is an integrated Captive Portal/AAA/Billing software solution from Hotspot Express on LINUX platform. Product link: http://www.hotspotexpress.in/products/hsp.html Abstract: ======= Cross-site scripting vulnerability in the HotEx Billing Manager software enables an anonymous attacker to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. Report-Timeline: ============ 12-03-2013: Vendor notification 30-03-2013: Vendor notification (No response, Follow-up) 00-00-2013: Vendor Response/Feedback (No response) 00-00-2013: Vendor Fix/Patch (No response) 00-00-2013: Public or Non-Public Disclosure (No response) Affected Version: ============= V73 Exploitation-Technique: =================== Remote Severity Rating: =================== 5 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N) Details: ======= A Cross-site scripting vulnerability in the HotEx Billing Manager software enables an anonymous attacker to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. Missing HttpOnly flag in cookie could allow an attacker to steal the document.cookie with successful XSS attack. If the an attacker could hijack the admin user cookie, he could further use it to login to admin portal and can get overall control of the HotEx device, guest accounts and payment details. Vulnerable Module(s): hotspotlogin.cgi Vulnerable Parameter: reply http:///cgi-bin/hotspotlogin.cgi?res=failed&reply=%3cscript%3ealert%28document.cookie%29%3c%2fscript%3e%2c%20Invalid%20username%20or%20Password Caveats / Prerequisites: ====================== No Prerequisites Proof Of Concept: ================ 1) Open below URL after replacing device IP, 2) You should get a pop up with document cookie (PHPSESSID) PoC image: http://i62.tinypic.com/2hgwubq.jpg Credits: ======= Bhadresh Patel Security Analyst HelpAG (www.helpag.com)