======================================================================== Revive Adserver Security Advisory REVIVE-SA-2014-001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Advisory ID: REVIVE-SA-2014-001 CVE ID: CVE-2013-5954 Date: 2014-05-15 Security risk: Moderate Applications affected: Revive Adserver Versions affected: <= 3.0.4 Versions not affected: >= 3.0.5 Website: http://www.revive-adserver.com/ ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Vulnerability: CSRF ======================================================================== Description ----------- A CSRF vulnerability was recently discovered and reported in OpenX Source Security Advisory CVE-2013-5954. However, the number of places in the code which were affected go well beyond those listed in the original advisory. The vulnerability allows users who are logged into the Revive Adserver console to be tricked into deleting data from their Revive Adserver installation. The vulnerability does not allow remote users to access the Revive Adserver console or otherwise modify data. Although the attack can cause loss of data and service disruptions, the risk is rated to be moderate as the vulnerability requires the victim to interact with the attack mechanism. The vulnerability is also present and exploitable in OpenX Source 2.8.11 and earlier versions, potentially back to phpAdsNew 2.0.x. Details ------- HTTP GET methods are used extensively in the Revive Adserver web console for deleting data or unlinking accounts etc. instead of HTTP POST. These older style calls were not protected to prevent attack via CSRF. The scripts that have been fixed are: www/admin/admin-user-unlink.php www/admin/advertiser-delete.php www/admin/advertiser-user-unlink.php www/admin/affiliate-delete.php www/admin/affiliate-user-unlink.php www/admin/agency-delete.php www/admin/agency-user-unlink.php www/admin/banner-delete.php www/admin/campaign-delete.php www/admin/channel-delete.php www/admin/tracker-delete.php, www/admin/userlog-delete.php www/admin/zone-delete.php References ---------- http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2013-5954 https://github.com/revive-adserver/revive-adserver/commit/79cb2db05c9849e225885e8a622978da014a98a7 Permalink --------- http://www.revive-adserver.com/security/revive-sa-2014-001 Solution ======== We strongly advise people to upgrade to the most recent 3.0.5 version of Revive Adserver, including those running OpenX Source or older versions of the application. Contact Information =================== The security contact for Revive Adserver can be reached at: -- Matteo Beccati On behalf of the Revive Adserver Team http://www.revive-adserver.com/