# Title: Mozilla Firefox Array.reduceRight() Integer Overflow Exploit # Date: 12 Oct 2011 # Author: Matteo Memelli ryujin -AT- offensive-security.com # CVE-2011-2371 # Full exploit package: http://www.exploit-db.com/sploits/17974.zip ff-i-<3-u

Title: Mozilla Firefox Array.reduceRight() Integer Overflow Exploit
Date: 12 Oct 2011
Author: Matteo Memelli ryujin -AT- offensive-security.com
Full exploit package:

Thx to dookie for helping ;)
Vulnerability discovered by Chris Rohlf and Yan Ivnitskiy of Matasano Security
DEP / ASLR bypassing through JAVA MSVCR71 sayonara rop chain
Tested on Windows 7 Ultimate / firefox 3.6.16 and 3.6.17

You need a Java-enabled browser to pwn this.