# Exploit Title: Pluck 4.7 multiple vulnerabilities # Google Dork: Powered by pluck # Date: 05/08/2011 # Author: Bl4k3 # Software Link: http://www.pluck-cms.org/?file=download # Version: 4.7 # Tested on: Debian # CVE : / 1-File Inclusion: include(ALBUMS_DIR.'/'.$_GET['album'].'.php'); Require: if (file_exists(ALBUMS_DIR.'/'.$_GET['album'].'.php')) { function albums_pages_site() { 2-File Inclusion include (ALBUMS_DIR.'/'.$album['seoname'].'.php'); foreach ($albums as $album) { $albums = albums_get_albums(); 3-File Disclosure echo readfile('../../settings/modules/albums/'.$image); $image = $_GET['image']; requires: if (file_exists('../../settings/modules/albums/'.$image)) { And a lot of low vulnerabilities!! Bl4k3 HardC0de