+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |-------------------------[ Stralia Web SQL Injection Vulnerability ]------------------------| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [+] Google Dork : "gorengan tempe" intext:"intext:Site Design by Stralia Web" [+] Date: 2011-08-24 [+] Author: tempe_mendoan [+] Author Contact: devilzc0de.tempe@gmail.com [+] Home Page : http://devilzc0detempe.wordpress.com/ [+] Vendor or Software Link: http://www.straliaweb.com.au/ [+] Price : $66 [+] Tested on: Windows Bajakan [+] Platform: Asp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Info : Business Name: Stralia Web Parent Company: Blue Mountains Web Pty. Ltd. Details: Search google is dork, inejct website . contact admin and patch website :P Example Vulnerable : http://website/[path]/catalog.asp?ID=[SQL] http://website/directory_categories.asp?id=[SQL] http://website/directory.asp?ID=[SQL] http://website/content.asp?id=[SQL] Greats T0 : ./ And All My Friend Thanks : ./ kang r3m1ck Insya Allah tanngal 28 aku mudik iki , jo lali bakso neng alun2 yo =)) ./ mas kaMz lan mas Farhatz suwun yo mas :D walau saiki wis ra tahu chat koyo disik :( ./ Kang chaer yang selalu memberi semangat tapi sayang ane jadi ketularan koplak nya kang =)) ./ AdeYonatan semangat kawan \m/ ./ Mas v3n0m yang menemani twitteran, di tunggu mas script e yo :D ./ my Love Dyla semoga cepat sembuh ya, Ku sayang kamu :*