# Exploit Title: 0-Day WPtouch WordPress Plugin 1.9.32 URL redirection # Google Dork: intext:"Powered by Wordpress + WPtouch" (with iphone/android User-Agent) # Author: MaKyOtOx (special pwet to ansx & Zizounette & antrhacks for #bitcoin) # Date: 25/07/2011 # Software Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wptouch/ # Version: 1.9.32 (not tested on previous versions) # Tested on: WhatEver OS # CVE : 0-Day OK, a nonce has been recently added. Then, the new URL redirection flaw is in 2 steps : First, click on http://victim.be/?wptouch_view=mobile&wptouch_redirect=.attaquer.com, it will reload the page with seemingly no effect. Then, click on the switch mobile theme button [ON/OFF] in every page footer, it will redirect to http://victim.be.attacker-site.com :) Love.