View here: Title: phpBB AJAX Chat/Shoutbox MOD CSRF Vulnerability Release Date: 2011-04-30 Product Affected: Responsible Disclosure: After repeated attempts to get the vendor to fix this flaw, he has told me to "Please stop taking up my time with something this trivial." I have provided a risk assessment, sources on CSRF including OWASP and my implementation on how to fix it. If after a reasonable attempt to make the vendor realise it is a vulnerability, the vendor refuses to acknowledge the flaw, the vulnerability will be publicly published. First vendor contact was made on 2011-04-24 and continued till the 29th where he cut contact. Discription: All actions taken on chat.php are not protected against CSRF, this includes add and delete chat messages. Solution: This solution carries no warranty or guarantees, that said it works with the version I have. In config.php $secretKey = 'CHANGE THIS TO SOMETHING SECURE'; in shout.php 116: 'CHAT_MAC' => hash_hmac('ripemd160', $user->data['user_id'], $secretKey) in chat.php 49: $chatMAC = request_var('mac', ''); 56: if($mode AND $chatMAC != hash_hmac('ripemd160', $user->data['user_id'], $secretKey)) //action taken { die('Hacking attempt! (CSRF)'); } 257: 'CHAT_MAC' => hash_hmac('ripemd160', $user->data['user_id'], $secretKey) in templates: after param = 'mode=' + mode; Add param += '&mac=' + '{CHAT_MAC}';