[Security Advisory Details: 07/04/2001] [Script] S40 CMS 0.4.2 Beta [Location] http://s40.biz/?p=download [Vulnerability] Local File Inclusion [Original Adv] http://y-osirys.com/security/exploits/id27 [Author] Giovanni Buzzin, "Osirys" [Site] y-osirys.com [Contact] osirys[at]autistici[dot]org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CMS Description] S40 CMS is FREE Content Management System S40 CMS 0.4 beta is lightwieght flat file CMS written on PHP, suitable for small and medium sites. S40 is open-source MIT-license CMS developed by AWEN art studio Ltd. S40 is fast and easy to customize system with build-in installer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Security Flaw] S40 CMS is prone to Local File Inclusion vulnerability because of poor security checks and bad input sanitization: GET variables are not properly sanitized before being included via require() PHP function. [code:index.php]