--=> Exploit Title: Acritum Femitter Server v1.03 Multiple Vulnerabilities --=> Date: 2/5/2010 --=> Author: Zer0 Thunder --=> Software Link: http://acritum.com/dist/fem-dist.exe --=> Version: v1.03 --=> Tested on: XP sp 2 Acritum Femitter Server v1.03 is a HTTP and FTP Server for Windows. I came up with few vulnerabilities of this .. some vulns are already has been revelied but some are not so lets have a look ********************************************************************************************************************************* HTTP Server ----------- In the Femitter Server Application HTTP tab there are few options to choose, and vulnerability exploitation method will depends on it If the "Combined Server" is selected [Default Setting] ---------------------------------------------------- --== Source Disclosure Vulnerability==-- even some files like .html will able to download from this vulnerability just put "." in the end of the file [+] --==Directory Traversal Vulnerability==-- If the Femitter Server is installed in "Programe File" this will take you to the C Dir C: Dir ------ [+]\../..\ You can move in to dir by doing "../..\" but you won't be able to open the files there will be 403 Forbidden Error(still). this is a lame security option in the Femitter Server ********************************************************************************************************************************* Bypassing 403 Forbidden Error ----------------------------- This is lame a security option . This can be easily bypass with hex . lets see how its done This c0de will give you permission to download anyfile [+]\\..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fboot.ini but if you wana open it in the browser you can add a "% in the end --==403 Bypass Example==-- [+]\\..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fboot.ini%test.txt [+]\\..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fwindows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts%test.txt ******************************************************************************************************************************** If the "Web Server (to show default doctument or 404 if it doesn't exsist" option is selected --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If this option is activated you might have trouble viewing the directory but still you will be able to see the file and download them [+]\\..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fboot.ini%test.txt and also this will open it as a readable file on the browser [+]\\..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fboot.ini% ../ pluse you can use the above application to view unreadable files like .dll .exe . files like .dll .exe will not be open with %text.txt .. this doesnt make sense right eventho .dll .exe is not readable this vulnerability can be quite usefull sometime .. ******************************************************************************************************************************** Tips you can upload a shell renamed .jpg and you will be able to execute it in php like this ********************************************************************************************************************************* [+] Site : http://lkhackers.com [+] Email/Msn : zer0_thunder@colombohackers.com =================================================================================================================================