# Views counter freaker
# by Osirys
# osirys[at]autistici[dot]org
# The powerfull of this script depends by proxies used by it. If you find a site that
# provides better proxies, contact me ;)
# This little program just make a lot of request to a page under different proxies.
# It's usefull if you want to see your views/clicks growing up
# Coded just for fun.
# osirys[~]>$ perl views_freaker.txt http://localhost/views.php
# -------------------------------
# Views counter freaker
# by Osirys
# -------------------------------
# [*] Getting proxies:
# speedtest.at .. done.
# samair.ru .. done.
# [*] Proxies downloaded !
# [*] Mixing now proxies ..
# [*] Mixed done ..
# [*] Cleaned ..
# [&] Counter freaker STARTED !
# [1/632] Using proxy ->
# [2/632] Using proxy ->
# [3/632] Using proxy ->
# [4/632] Using proxy ->
# [5/632] Using proxy ->
# [6/632] Using proxy ->
# .....
# osirys[~]>
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $sleep_limit = 3; # This is the limit of the random sleep between each request to the target (Protection to be not detected)
my $proxy_timeout = 5; # Limit of proxy request timeout. This is an high value, because the intent of this script is not to be
# fast, but working. Putting here a low number, it means that if the script is making a request under a low
# proxy, it will then not use it. Putting an higher number, will use the major of proxies.
($host) || die "[-] Usage: perl $0 http://site/page.php\n\n";
print "\n".
" Views counter freaker \n".
" by Osirys \n".
print "[*] Getting proxies:\n";
print " speedtest.at ..";
# I put 450 (450:25=18), so 18 pages as limit, put how much you want (must be a multiple of 25)
# This website is good, it provides different proxies on each new request
for ($i = 0;$i<=450;$i+=25) {
my $link = "http://proxy.speedtest.at/proxybyActuality.php?offset=".$i;
my $re = query($link);
while ($re =~ m/
([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3}):([0-9]{1,6})<\/b>/g) {
my $prox = $1.".".$2.".".$3.".".$4.":".$5;
push(@proxies_a, $prox);
print " done.\n";
print " samair.ru ..";
# I put 10 as limit. So it searchs on 10 pages
for ($i = 1;$i<=10;$i++) {
my $a = $i;
if ($a =~ /[0-9]{1}/) {
$a =~ s/$a/0$a/;
my $link = "http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxy-".$a.".htm";
my $re = query($link);
while ($re =~ m/([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3}):([0-9]{1,6})<\/td> | /g) {
my $prox = $1.".".$2.".".$3.".".$4.":".$5;
push(@proxies_b, $prox);
print " done.\n";
print "[*] Proxies downloaded !\n";
print "[*] Mixing now proxies ..\n";
# Starts here the "mixing" and cleaning function
# A mix to mix proxies coming from different sites
# A clean to remove doble proxies
my $count = -1;
while ((my $y = @proxies_a)&&($stop != 1)) {
if ($count =~ /(.*)(0|2|4|6|8)$/) {
if ($count <= $#proxies_b) {
else {
if ($count <= $#proxies_b) {
if ($count == $#proxies_a) {
$stop = 1;
if ($#proxies_a < $#proxies_b) {
push(@f_proxies, @proxies_b[$#proxies_a+1..$#proxies_b]);
my $counts = -1;
my @ff_proxies;
foreach my $e(@f_proxies) {
$back = look($e,$counts);
if ($back != 1) {
sub look() {
my $e = $_[0];
my $pos = $_[1];
my $counter = -1;
foreach my $el(@f_proxies) {
if ($el eq $e){
if ($counter > $pos) {
$found = 1;
# end of "mixing" and cleaning function
print "[*] Mixed done ..\n";
print "[*] Cleaned ..\n";
print "[&] Counter freaker STARTED !\n\n";
my $start = 1;
my $tot = scalar(@ff_proxies);
my $proxy_ = 1;
foreach my $p(@ff_proxies) {
if ($start <= 9){
print "[$start"."/"."$tot] Using proxy -> $p\n";
elsif (($start >= 10)&&($start <= 99)) {
print "[$start"."/"."$tot] Using proxy -> $p\n";
elsif (($start >= 100)&&($start <= 999)) {
print "[$start"."/"."$tot] Using proxy -> $p\n";
else {
print "[$start"."/"."$tot] Using proxy -> $p\n";
my $sleep = int(rand $sleep_limit);
print "\n[!] Done\n\n";
sub query() {
my($link,$proxyz) = ($_[0],$_[1]);
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $link);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
if ($proxy_ == 1) {
$ua->proxy('http', "http://".$proxyz);
else {
$response = $ua->request($req);
} | |