Sendmail filter rule to stop Outlook exploit from Koos van den Hout Also on with tabs in the right places :) # # this is a filter to make sendmail reject messages with Date: headers # that are too long. This is used in the latest Outlook exploit. # # You NEED: # - a sendmail that understands regex maps. I had to specially compile this # into 8.11 ! Add to sendmail-8.11.0/devtools/Site/site.config.m4 # define(`confMAPDEF',`-DMAP_REGEX') and rebuild from scratch # # The filter simply rejects messages with a date header longer (total!) # then 60 chars # # Then add this part to your .mc file in the different areas and regenerate # your .cf file # # 2000-07-21 Originally written # # if you cut and paste this: # tabs are in use in the '^R' lines # # Koos van den Hout # # # LOCAL_CONFIG Klinetoolong regex -a@MATCH ^.{60,}$ LOCAL_RULESETS HDate: $>+CheckDate SCheckDate R$* $: $(linetoolong $1 $) R@MATCHi $#error $: 553 Date Header too long error R$*i $@ OK -- Koos van den Hout, PGP keyid RSA/1024 0xCA845CB5 via keyservers or DSS/1024 0xF0D7C263 -?) Fax +31-30-2817051 Visit my site about books with reviews /\\ _\_V quick Postfix check for Outlook date exploit from Mark Lastdrager Hi, With a little help from Koos van den Hout I made a small header_check for Postfix to prevent people from exploiting the latest Outlook bug. A quick test shows it works but don't come complaining when it doesn't ;-) In your put this line: header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks (path depends on where your postfix config lives) In header_checks put: /^Date:.{60,}$/ REJECT This will reject messages with a date line longer than 60 chars. Don't forget postfix reload ;-) Mark Lastdrager Pine Internet -- email: :: ML1400-RIPE :: tel. +31-70-3111010 :: RIPE RegID nl.pine :: fax. +31-70-3111011 PGP key ID 92BB81D1 :: Dutch security news @ Today's excuse: because of network lag due to too many people playing deathmatch