A: You can redirect the output to a file by appending for example "> file.txt" at the end of what you write at the Command Prompt. You can stop the output by appending "| more".Q: What makes winfo better than RedButton?
A: One thing is the -n switch, described on the previous page. Another thing is that all user accounts are displayed, not only the built-in Administrator account. Yet another thing is that all trust accounts are displayed.Q: What makes winfo better than ntis?
A: winfo won't try to log into the checked computer by trying passwords on all accounts. This can be both good or bad - good if you're not using winfo to break into the other computer, or test it's security - bad if you're trying to do just that. The thought is that winfo is supposed to be used as simply a useful NT tool, without putting a lot of entries in the security event log. Another thing is that winfo shows all trust accounts.Q: I have a question that is not covered by this FAQ. Where can I get help?
A: Send a mail to winnt@bahnhof.se with your question. I can't promise that I will have time to answer, but I'll do my best.
© 1999, Arne Vidström