#!/usr/bin/env bash # VBulletin Cracker V1.0 # coded By 0x90 2008 # 0x90[at]bsdmail.org # This small tool will bruteForce "VBulletin" MD5 hash # work only on FreeBSD # # I do not take any reponsibilty for what you do with this tool # Hopefully it will make your life easier rather then making other # peoples lives more difficult! ############################## # ___ ___ ___ # / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ #| | | |_ _| (_) | | | | #| | | \ \/ /\__, | | | | #| |_| |> < / /| |_| | # \___//_/\_\ /_/ \___/ ############################## echo ".:: VBulletin Cracker, Coded By 0x90 ::." echo -n "Enter vb md5 Hash: " read hash if [ -z "$hash" ] || [ "${#hash}" != "32" ]; then echo "Error: please Enter a valid md5 hash" exit fi echo echo -n "Enter vb Salt: " read salt echo -n "Select BruteForce Method: 1: Random BruteForce 2: Dictionary BruteForce Enter your choise 1 or 2: " read choise if [ -z "$choise" ] || [ "$choise" != "1" ] && [ "$choise" != "2" ]; then echo "Error: please choise between 1 or 2" exit 1 fi ######################### # Random BruteForce ######################### if [ "$choise" == "1" ]; then echo "use Random method to crack" echo "trying to bruteforce vb MD5 hash ..." echo -n "enter min lengh: " read minlen echo -n "enter max lengh: " read maxlen echo -n "Select bruteForce mode: all, alnum, lower, upper, digit, alpha, symbols > " read mode if [ "$mode" = "all" ]; then char="a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! # \$ % & \' ( ) \* + , - . / : ; & < = > ? @ [ \\ ] ^ _ { | } ~" fi if [ "$mode" = "alnum" ]; then char="a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" fi if [ "$mode" = "alpha" ]; then char="a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" fi if [ "$mode" = "lower" ]; then char="a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z" fi if [ "$mode" = "upper" ]; then char="A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z" fi if [ "$mode" = "digit" ]; then char="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" fi if [ "$mode" = "symbols" ]; then char="! # \$ % & \' ( ) \* + , - . / : ; & < = > ? @ [ \\ ] ^ _ { | } ~" fi bf(){ for c in $char ; do nc=$[$nc+1] ch[$nc]=$c done for x in `jot - 1 $[$maxlen+1]` ; do if [ $minlen -ge $x ] ; then ci[$x]=1 else ci[$x]=0 fi done for clen in `jot - $minlen $maxlen` ; do while [ ${ci[$[$clen+1]]} -ne 1 ] ; do wrd="" for x in `jot - $clen 1` ; do wrd=$wrd${ch[${ci[$x]}]} done md5_hash=`md5 -q -s "$wrd"` vb_bf=`md5 -q -s "$md5_hash$salt"` echo "$wrd: hash: $vb_bf" if [ "$vb_bf" == "$hash" ]; then echo echo "Cracked, vb md5 password is: $wrd" exit 0 fi ci[1]=$[${ci[1]}+1] for x in `jot - 1 $clen`; do if [ ${ci[$x]} -gt $nc ] ; then ci[$x]=1 ci[$[$x+1]]=$[${ci[$[$x+1]]}+1] fi done done done } bf fi ######################### # Dictionary BruteForce ######################### # Cain&Abel wordlist http://www.md5this.com/Wordlist.zip # dont forget to convert the wordlist to Unix file format # dos2unix Wordlist.txt if [ "$choise" == "2" ]; then echo "use dictionary method to crack" echo -n "Enter dictionary name: " read dic echo "trying to bruteforce vb MD5 hash ..." n=`cat $dic | wc -l` echo "we have $n password to try" for (( i=1; i <= $n; i++)); do pass=`sed -n "$i"p $dic` md5_hash=`md5 -q -s "$pass"` vb_bf=`md5 -q -s "$md5_hash$salt"` echo "$i: hash: $vb_bf" if [ "$vb_bf" == "$hash" ]; then echo echo "Cracked, vb md5 password is: $pass" exit 0 fi done fi exit