ver 1.2
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UnSecure FAQ
For these examples, a Pentium 166 with 32M of Ram,
and a Dual Pentium 200 with 64M of Ram were used.
Q. What are the average speeds you get over a network? A modem?
A. Over a network, we've gotten anywhere from 8.8/sec to 330.5/sec.
8.8/sec being accross the U.S., and 330.5/sec on a local net.
Q. Can you run more than one instance of UnSecure at the same time?
A. Yes. You can open as many as your local machine power and bandwidth
will permit. Unsecure does not use all of the processor time... it
uses about 10-20% of the computers idle cpu time.
Q. How much faster will multiple instances go vs. one instance?
A. Using the same example systems as above, but running two instances,
UnSecure ran at 429.2/sec, instead of 330.5/sec. Overall, it computed
29.2% faster than before.
Questions... Comments...?
Last updated : June 11, 1998